Less production time
"Bannerflow has saved us around 15,500 hours in production time."
"Bannerflow has saved us around 15,500 hours in production time."
Conversion rate lift for searches (website searches/clicks-to-site) from 0.21% to just over 4%.
Direct integrations to over 20 ad networks and social.
"Bannerflow has saved us around 15,500 hours in production time."
Conversion rate lift for searches (website searches/clicks-to-site) from 0.21% to just over 4%.
Direct integrations to over 20 ad networks and social.
"We can build better creatives with Bannerflow: showing the right message to our audience, boosting our CTR, and therefore increasing our ROI"
Jose Luis Aranda
Global Digital Media Advertising Director - Melia
"We can build better creatives with Bannerflow: showing the right message to our audience, boosting our CTR, and therefore increasing our ROI"
Jose Luis Aranda
Global Digital Media Advertising Director
How does your current workflow impact your ROI?
What impact do you expect to achieve with your digital advertising efforts?
What challenges are you facing, and how can our solution address them?
How does your current workflow impact your ROI?
What impact do you expect to achieve with your digital advertising efforts?
What challenges are you facing, and how can our solution address them?