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What is moment marketing?

What is moment marketing?

Create campaigns that embrace the moment, you’re far more likely to reach your target audience that way. Learn how and why to moment market.

Bannerflow, May 8, 2024

Advertising analytics helps make better banners

Advertising analytics helps make better banners

In this article we explore how advertising analytics can help to make better banners. In particular we focus on display optimisation.

Bannerflow, May 8, 2024

7 ways in which the Internet of Things will revolutionise ad tech

7 ways in which the Internet of Things will revolutionise ad tech

An article that explores how the Internet of Things will change and disrupt ad tech. Plus how marketers can take advantage of emerging IoT technologies.

Bannerflow, May 8, 2024

Retargeting: What is it and how does it work?

Retargeting: What is it and how does it work?

Retargeting is one of the most prevalent marketing methods around, but what exactly is it, and how does it work?

Bannerflow, May 8, 2024

6 Types of Tools Ad Agencies Need

6 Types of Tools Ad Agencies Need

In this blog, we explain the 6 types of tool any respectable ad agency needs to use when producing its next banner campaign.

Bannerflow, May 7, 2024

12 spectacular landing page fails to avoid

12 spectacular landing page fails to avoid

The humble landing page should be a priority. It’s a critical point in the sales funnel! Here's how to avoid spectacular fails and improve click-throughs!

Bannerflow, May 7, 2024

Creative Marketing: A 5 Step Guide – and Why It Matters

Creative Marketing: A 5 Step Guide – and Why It Matters

Discover how important creative marketing could be for your brand across digital channels, plus best practices, and how to measure results.

Bannerflow, Jul 10, 2023

What Are the Benefits of Cloud-Based Advertising?

What Are the Benefits of Cloud-Based Advertising?

Learn about the benefits of cloud-based advertising and cloud-based advertising services for online ad production.

Bannerflow, Jul 10, 2023

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